The improved BP neural-network algorithm is applied in the measurement for beating degree. The relative BP neural-net-work soft sensing model of beating degree is established. 将改进型BP神经网络算法应用于打浆度的测量,建立起打浆度的BP网络软测量模型。
The degree of beating 37 ° SR; 打浆度37.0°SR;
The sport condition after beating the tennis, the inner psychics technique the degree of the torment of the sportier are the factors have effect on player's beating. 网球击发后的运动状态,运动员心理、技术、疲劳程度等都是影响网球运动员击球的因素。
Soft Measurement of Beating Degree of Series Beating Process Based on BP Neural Network 基于BP神经网络的串联连续打浆过程打浆度的软测量
The Study is about effect of beating degree and fines on the runnability of bamboo bleached kraft pulp, bamboo chemical pulp has better comprehensive runnability in a certain beating degree range, suitable increasement of fines in bamboo chemical pulp may improve the wet-web runnability. 本文研究了打浆和细小组分对毛竹浆抄造性能的影响,在某一打桨度范围内,毛竹浆具有较好的抄造性能,适当保留细小组分有助于提高毛竹浆的抄造性能。
The paper introduced the investigation of the APMP production line of Jilin Paper Co. Ltd., analyzed the effect of beating degree on aspen APMP properties, determined the best conditions of beating process. 本文针对吉林纸业股份有限公司APMP生产线进行调研,分析了打浆度对成浆质量的影响,确定了最佳打浆工艺条件。
Increasing the dosage, the refining degree and WRV of wheat-straw pulp would increase distinctly, the beating degree of eucalypt pulp would increase a little, but the WRV of eucalypt pulp would decrease. 阴离子物质用量增加,麦草浆的打浆度和保水值随之增加;桉木浆的打浆度稍微增加,但保水值呈下降趋势。